Eskes event cleaning cleaning tool


Eskes event cleaning is a cleaning company that works to clean the waste materials left behind after organizations. As a result of years of experience, this company has started to develop new methods in the field of cleaning. By the way, Eskes event cleaning company is a company with very innovative ideas and applications. For this job, the super innovative cleaning machine they have developed can clean the waste from all organizations in the fastest and most effective way, regardless of big or small size. We can think of this developed machine as a mixture of a truck and a high-volume vacuum cleaner. All the cleaning staff have to do is to steer this giant sweeper truck to the target garbage.

Table of Contents

Some technical features

The machine allows for a very fast cleaning process. So much so that the speed that the vehicle can reach during cleaning is measured as 16 km per hour. On the one hand, this can be said to be quite fast for a cleaning vehicle. There are two vacuum tubes right in front of the Eskes event cleaning machine. These vacuum tubes absorb all kinds of materials and waste materials on the ground. Even the wastes that form small mounds on the ground are sent into the machine within seconds with the help of these tubes. Moreover, it is sufficient to open only the rear connection part for this job. Other processes are already starting to process automatically. Even if extra commands are wanted to be given, it can be easily controlled from the user cabin.

Eskes event cleaning technical information
Eskes event cleaning technical information

Eskes event cleaning usage area

All kinds of concerts, Organizations, Shows, Weddings, Engagements, Henna etc. held in the open air. huge garbage formed after events such as In addition to cleaning the waste materials on the floor after the events, Eskes event cleaning is also among the most preferred tools for collecting the dried leaves that fall on the ground in autumn.

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