Volvo EW160E Excavator Levels the Road with 2.5M Lane.

As it is known, the construction machines used in road correction works are generally graders, dozers or diggers, and this is the process in which the road construction is determined according to its size. However, this process can sometimes be advanced with excavators. There are many equipment developed for excavators to be used in road correction works.


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In the picture below, we see the Volvo EW160E Excavator performing a road correction work with its 2.5M size apparatus. However, this process includes small-scale road works such as connecting the construction road to the main road in construction landscaping works and road arrangement around the construction. Otherwise, if you consider that a standard road is in the range of 15-20 meters, you will have to spend a lot of energy and time with a 2.5m blade.


Road with 2.5M Lane
Road with 2.5M Lane

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