Transporting trees is much easier with Truck spade


As we all know, it is a very difficult process to protect large trees in large national projects, especially in wooded areas. Some trees are unfortunately cut down in the process. Here is one of the best solutions for such situations, Truck spade. Because instead of cutting down a tree, the possibility of moving it to another place in a safe and healthy way is much more important. Truck spade, with its unusual hydraulic arm, is a great tool that has a very innovative design and transports trees from one place to another in a very healthy way.

Working logic

There are 6 metal pallets in total on the truck spade arms. In this way, scraping with vibration can be applied without damaging the tree roots. When sufficient vibration is provided, hydraulic pressure is applied to the metal pedals. In this way, the tree is firmly grasped. After this critical period is over, the Truck spade becomes ready to transport the tree. The transported tree is on its way to be planted in another region.

With the use of truck spade, planting trees in park and garden arrangements is also very easy. There are other versions of this wonderful eco-friendly device that can play a role in transporting smaller and larger plants. The most important issue here is undoubtedly that trees and plants can be removed from the ground without being damaged and can be planted in another place in a healthy way. Of course, factors such as the speed of doing this work and the labor costs show themselves right behind the tree in the process after the protection. In this sense, Truck spade seems to find solutions to all problems.

Truck spade usage area

Truck spade is a machine that is frequently preferred in nurseries, golf courses, parks and renovation areas.

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