Towing Large Vehicles Cat 797B – Cat 794 AC Truck & Cat 854K Wheel Dozer

A content about the Cat 854K Wheel Dozer pulling the Cat 797B in the mine field by tying it with a rope.


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In fact, preparations were made for a tow truck to tow the Cat 797B – Cat 794 AC Trucks, but due to poorly calculated terrain conditions, the tow trucks could not complete their duties. We wish you a pleasant time while watching the video about another Cat 854K Wheel Dozer coming to their rescue in the mining area and pulling them all, including the tow trucks, by attaching a rope.


Towing Large Vehicles
Towing Large Vehicles


Awesome truck! It can haul four loaded Dart trucks from the 50’s-60’s

Which concerns trucks from the 50s-60s

Guy in second truck at 5.17 looks like he made a bit of a fk up

The crew team also gives directions to the train

Yep he should let the front tractor do the steering…

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