Largest Truck Transporting Copper Cat 797F – Komatsu 980E & 930E – Open Pit Mine

It includes how huge trucks (Cat 797F – Komatsu 980E & 930E) that can carry up to 400 Tonnes spend their time at the Mine site.


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Enjoy reading the comments we have carefully selected for you below, while watching how huge trucks are filled in a short time by loaders that can load up to 70 tons at a time.


Largest Truck Transporting
Largest Truck Transporting


Love them big Ultra haulers

Magnificent video as always, thanks for sharing.

How much per day, is the running cost on those beasts?

Mines think they make $4000 US an hour. They burn about 5000L or 1300g for 24 hours. One tire cost 50k a piece and they last for 4000 hours if lucky. Probably $3200 an hour.

l really love truck videos

797s take about 360t don’t they? And weigh about 220t? If not are they smaller than the T282 liebherr?

These trucks actually carry 400 tonnes, not 400 tons, which is a heck of a lot more!!

The real monster is the machine that’s loading these dump trucks

I thought I saw a Liebherr &284 in the end.

Beatiful machine!

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